The Forgotten Photographer who Saved a Town
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"Thoughtful and thoroughly entertaining short documentary ✯✯✯✯"

James Croot - STUFF to Watch

"What draws you into the documentary Jos is the pictures of New Zealand being born before our eyes – the places, the people, the change from the posed colonial portraits to contemporary snapshots"

Simon Morris - RNZ, At the Movies (listen here)


For nearly 100 years the name Jos Divis was missing from histories of New Zealand photography. Now a wrong is being righted.

Some call him the ‘inventor of the selfie’. A street photographer ahead of his time he pioneered techniques to capture images of ordinary people and their working lives in a way no-one else could.

Imprisoned for his beliefs, he lived his last years alone in the ghost town he helped bring to life, his family believing him dead.   

JOS is a journey of discovery following a historian, a photographer and a museum curator all working to give Jos Divis’ the recognition he deserves.


RENT IT at AroVision
(click here)

Watch it (in NZ) on
SKY ARTS (Sky Channel 20)
SKY OPEN (Freeview Channel 15)
or stream it on SKY GO

46 mins. Suitable for all audiences.

A film by Dave Kwant and Robyn Janes